A day around the house

4 februari 2017 - Monrovia, Liberia

Today we stayed at home. Winston was working all day. I prepared the crafsactivity we are going to do tomorow with the children. The biblestory they are going to tell the children tomorrow is about Elija who is being fed by the birds. That's why we will have all the children make a little bird of self made pompoms. I cut all the cirkels, cut pieces of thread, cut the beak and some wings. I also made an example bird to show them what it is going to look like. We let the kids cut the wings themselves.

I brought crafts material, penns markers, notepads and some other stuff from Holland for the children. And Adrienne brought things from Holland too. So we had quite a collection of different things we were going to give the children as a present. On little pieces of paper we wrote a present. We put all the pieces of paper in a bowl and then we will give the children each a piece of paper and give them the present.

Adrienne and I had lunch at the Monoprix supermarket. They make te best subs. We did some things in the house and after dinner there was a powerfailure. The generator was not turned on because of the noise it makes. We had plans to watch a movie that night but the power didn't come back on until 21.30. So Adrienne and I played a game of scrabble by candlelight and a flashlight. Later on the power went off again.
