The Children at the church

4 februari 2017 - Monrovia, Liberia

Every day here is very special and a highlight. But today was a super highlight: We went to the kids from church. We took all the stuff we prepared and games with us. The children were all waiting in the church and started singing and clapping when Adrienne got in! They had really missed her. There were about 90 children. They all had made a piece of paper with a 'welcome back' text on it. Adrienne introduced me and we Timothy started to tell the story of Elija. After that we did the 'lottery' game with the presents with the little children. They got their present and a bag of water. They were really excited. After that the little kids went home. There were 25 kids left. We gave them big a bag of water too and a piece of cake. Then Adrienne explained what they were going to make and they were all excited about the bird. It was alot of work but so much fun to do. Alot of children find it difficult to make such a thing so they need help. But the results were great! The birds turned out beautiful. Some girls touched my hair and skin. They were fascinated by it. Others just give you a hug. I was asked to make an individual picture of the kids. That was so much fun to do. They lined up and one by one they posed. Some girls posed like models, some boys posed like though guys and some just laughed. Adrienne wil print them out for them. They wil make their own picture frame and put in the picture in there.
The last thing we did was playing a game with them. They could choose wich game they wanted to play. Two groups played memory and 1 played the quartet game. It was a quartet that my sister in law Lucienne had given to me to take to Liberia. The kids found it a bit difficult to play, but they really liked it. They kept asking the same cards from each other.
Before we left home we visited a boy's home (Samuel). What we saw there was heartbreaking. It is amazing how people live here. It was a shack made of rubble and trash put together. Most people live like that here. His mother had a little child tied to her back. His sister, who is disabled, was sitting in the shack. They sleep on the floor. We gave two t-shirts that Lucienne also gave to me to take to Liberia, to the sister. She really seemed to like them. She was thankful, so was the mother. We stayed and talked for a little while. On the way back we stopped at another house. There was this tiny child, about 1 year old. She was clearly underfed and Adrienne asked the mother when and what she had been eating. It turned out she hadn't eaten for a while because the docter told them so. She was only giving her breastmilk, which was clearly not enough. Adrienne and Winston explaind to the mother she had to feed her solid food too. Hopefully they will..

Winston had arranged for them to get a waterwell.

When we came home we took of to the swimming pool at the hotel Palm Spring Resort, nearby. Just a few minutes away from the people who live in shacks. The contrast is amazing, almost shocking.
It is very hot today so it was really nice, a dip in the pool. When we came home at 18.00 there was still no electricity. So Winston put on the generator.
It's been an amazing day!

1 Reactie

  1. Luce:
    5 februari 2017
    Geweldig om te lezen Elis, net of ik er een beetje bij ben . Wat zal deze reis een indruk op je maken en niet te vergeten de impact. Als je thuis bent kom ik snel langs om alles in levende lijve te horen.